Create Order with Discount

Orders with discounts can be created in two ways: with item-level discounts or with order-level discounts. The discount amount should always be a positive number.

Order-level discounts (most used)

The discount is applied to the total order amount. In this case, the item-level discount should be zero.

    "subtotal": 90,
    "shipping": 10.21,
    "discount": 5,
    "total": 95.21,
    "total_paid": 95.21

Item-level discounts

When the discount is applied directly to the item and the total item value reflects the discounted price, the order-level discount should be zero in this scenario.

    "items": [
            "sku": "4544646464",
            "quantity": 3,
            "price": 30,
            "discount": 5,
            "total": 85,
            "name": "Camiseta Básica Azul",
            "stock_code": "136",
            "commission": {
                "fixed": 4,
                "tax": 2,
                "total_charged": 10
            "variation": {
                "sku": "variacao-1"
            "supplier_id": "136"

The verification rules for values that we have are as follows:
For each item:
total =price x quantity - discount

Order totals:
subtotal = sum of all item totals
total = subtotal - discount + shipping
total_paid = total + interest