Freight (Source)

Method to calculate freight on your system

This API is to partners that provide SHIPPING INFORMATION and should be implemented in the parter side to provide to PluggTo information about the shipping cost.

Attention: This answer shoud take 0.200 seconds maximum.

PluggTo will POST to a URL pre-register with the folling information:

Be aware that depending the MarketPlace one or other information maybe will be empty.

destination_postalcodestringDestination postal code (CEP)
possible value: 03881-070 OR 03881070
destination_statestringDestination state user id
origin_postalcodestringOrigin postal code
origin_statestringOrigin state
origin_citystringOrigin city
origin_countrystringOrigin country
productsarrayArray with product information
weightnumberItem Weight
heightnumberItem Height
lengthnumberItem Length
widthnumberItem Width
unit_pricenumberSales price of the product unit
skustringSimple product SKU or "parent"
marketplacestringItem category
original_skustringSimple product SKU or variation
idstringProduct pluggto_id
quantitystringQuantity of product to ship

Request body example

   "origin_city":"SAO PAULO",
               "name":"Refis e Elementos Filtrantes",
               "name":"Elementos Filtrantes > Refil",

The success answer should be:

methodstring Shipping method
companystringShipping company
delivery_typestringDelivery type
pricestringFreight price
estimatenumberEstimated product delivery

Returned exemple

      "method":"Service 1",
      "company":"Company Name",
      "method":"Service 2",
      "company":"Company Name",

In case of an error in calculating the freight,

Returned exemple

"mensage": "it was not possible to calculate product shipping"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!