Update invoices by documents


Sending invoices through documents allows sending the url of the XML file to Plugg.to, this way we will download the file and generate a link that is always available.

It is important that the url is valid and published so that the documents is created successfully.

Example Request

    "status": "invoiced",
    "shipments": [
            "documents": [
                    "url": "https://pluggto-xmlnf.example/129_4644258996.xml",
                    "type": "invoice"
            "nfe_date": "2024-07-15T18:07:07.000Z",
            "nfe_key": "31210617888732102479550010005269381003054430",
            "nfe_number": "5269322",
            "nfe_serie": "1"


The order may have the delivery "id" already registered, in these cases you must send the id returned in shipments.

Example Request

    "status": "invoiced",
    "shipments": [
            "documents": [
                    "url": "https://pluggto-xmlnf.example/129_4644258996.xml",
                    "type": "invoice"
            "nfe_date": "2024-07-15T18:07:07.000Z",
            "nfe_key": "31210617888732102479550010005269381003054430",
            "nfe_number": "5269322",
            "nfe_serie": "1"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!